A paradigm shift in the Lipid Management Landscape

Under the title ” A paradigm shift in the Lipid Management Landscape”, the Iraqi Hypertension Society with the collaboration of Iraqi Cardiovascular Society and Iraqi Diabetes Associaction, held a scientific meeting on Friday the 27th of January 2023 at Babylon Hotel. The meeting was presented with distinguished speakers namely Prof. Abbas M. Rahma, a Consultant Endocrinologist at Almustasiryia College of Medicine , Dr Hussein N. Hussein, a Consultant Cardiologist at Iraq center of Heart Diseases, Prof. Hany Sabbour, a Consultant Cardiologist at Brown University Medical School, Rhode Island, USA, who joined the meeting through the Internet Platform in addition to Prof. Ghazi Haji, the IqHS president who moderated the meeting.The meeting was interactive and discussed the current guidlines about the lower levels of LDL cholesterol especially in the high risk patients and the need for the addition of the Ezetimibe as early as possible in addition to other drugs like PCSK- 9 inhibitors when available and the importance of the current goals of acheiving low LDL in every high risk patient irrelative to the type of drug used as suggested by Prof. Hany who showed also a surprising data of high prevalence of hyperlipidemia in the middle east people. The meeting was attended by alot of senior doctors and was important and successful according to the audience opinion.
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