Uniting Discipline: A Focus on the Cardiorenal Metabolic Nexus 2025 With remarkable success, the city of Basra hosted the “Uniting Disciplines: A Focus
Aprovasc Launch Evening Forum With the patronage of Sanofi Pharmaceutical Company and through Shubbar bureau, the Iraqi hypertension Society with the collaboration of
Invitation Letter To: Heart Health Summit The Iraqi Cardiothoracic Society and the Iraqi Hypertension Society held a scientific summit entitled “Invitation letter to:
IqHS workshop during the 20th International Scientific Conference of College of Medicine, Baghdad University The Iraqi Hypertension Society participated in the 20th International
Hypertension in Focus: A Multidisciplinary Approach To Care The Iraqi Hypertension Society in collaboration with CheplaPharma held a scientific symposium on Friday, 15th
The 7th IqHS Inernational Confence is just ended Several days ago, the sessions of the Seventh International Scientific Conference of the Iraqi Hypertension