The IqHS conjoint symposium with the Iraqi League for Bone and Joint health, 27-28 June 2024

In line with the Iraqi Hypertension Society vision on the importance of CVD complications in multiple disease specialties and their belief that the patient must be the core of every medical interventions or multidisciplinary approaches beside the importance of the growing evidence of shared pathogenesis of a lot of CVD with other systemic diseases including many rheumatological ones, the IqHS held a conjoint symposium with the Iraqi League for Bone and Joint health, ILBJH at Ramada hotel, Erbil city, Kurdistan Iraq on 27-28 of June this year under the theme ” The Crossroad of Heart and Musculoskeletal Diseases” in which a lot of distinguished speakers from both specialties i,e, cardiologist and rheumatologist under covered most of the important scenarios and shared concerns regarding the management of rheumatology patients beside stressing on the importance of growing the awareness of both cardiologists and rheumatologist on the complications and on atypical and different manifestation that are faced by both specialties. The symposium also suggested to deepen the cooperation between them and to further discuss the establishment of a Cardio- Rheumatology clinic to refer cases from both sides and start registering such cases electronically for future reference. the Conference also agreed to make the 28 of June every year as a Cardio-Rheumatic Awareness Day with the hashtag, #CaRD 28 June.
the symposium was very fruitful and successful and witnessed a lot of distinguished local and international senior speakers.
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