The IqHS had held its fifth International Conference at Babylon Rotana Hotel in Baghdad on November 17–18, 2022. This year’s conference was notable for the substantial participation from our Iraqi Governorates as well as the unique involvement of international speakers from many Arabic nations who discussed the most recent information on hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases in addition to the participation of a large number of pharmaceutical companies. The Conference final recommendations ( see below ) were declared in the final conclusion statement by Prof. Faris Abdulkareem , the IqHS vice president who also comments on the newly established Arab Hypertension Society and congratulate Prof Ghazi Haji for being elected as the president of this Society in its first session.
Final Recommendations of the Fifth IqHS International Conference:
1. Establishing hypertension clinics in the main hospitals.
2. Encouraging surveys and research in the community.
3. Acting conjointly with policy makers, MOH and NGOs to reduce salt intake.
4. Elaborating the importance of Patient – Doctor relationship and compliance to therapy.
5. Targeting special care of hypertension in elderly.
6. Noticing the important link between hypertension and heart rate and its complications and the need for managements.
7. Enhancing recording adverse events of medicine to MOH ARS.
N.B. You can watch the conference lectures, listen to it or you can also download it as a PDF file from the links below.