
Al-Anbar Scientific Meeting
Al-Anbar Scientific Meeting On Thursday, January 23/2020, the Iraqi Hypertension Society  held a scientific symposium in Al-Anbar Governorate in cooperation with the Anbar Health Department and Mylan Pharmaceutical Company. The scientific...
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SCSC Honor shield to ISOB
SCSC Honor Shield to ISOB During the opening ceremony of the Iraqi Society of Obstetric and Gynecology ISOG Conference in 27th of may 2022, The vice president of Supreme Council of Scientific Societies SCSC , Dr. Ghazi F. Haji, had Honored...
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HT AND ASTHMA :Rotana Babylon Hotel Meeting
HT AND ASTHMA :Rotana Babylon Hotel Meeting The IqHS with the Collaboration of AlHikma Pharmaceutical Company had organized a scientific meeting at Babylon Rotana Hotel at 18 of Mach 2022 tackling two important subjects: Hypertension...
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Role of DOAC in AF therapy
Role of DOAC in AF therapy The IqHS has held on 21 of January 2022 a scientific meeting at Oyoon Baghdad Restaurant about the role of DOAC in the management of AF patients with a special emphasis on the role of Apixaban with the Collaboration...
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Echo workshop 16.10.2021 Oyoon Baghdad
Echo workshop in Oyoon Baghdad The IqHS presented by it president Dr Ghazi Haji who is also the president of Echocardiography Master Study of Baghdad University had organized a training hand on workshop in Echocardiography with case presentation...
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Celebrating WHD 1.10.2021 Rotana Babylon
Celebrating WHD 1.10.2021 Rotana Babylon Celebrating the world Hypertension Day WHD, the IqHS with the collaboration of Acino Pharmaceutical Company had organized a Discussion Panel in Hypertension discussing the new guidelines and also...
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Mosul Symposium
Mosul Symposium The IqHS and with the collaboration of Mosul college of medicine and Denk pharmaceutical company had held a scientific symposium entitled ” Highlights on Hypertension during Corona pandemic” on 23 of September...
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The 4th International Conference of Iraqi Hypertension Society IqHS
The 4th International Conference of Iraqi Hypertension Society IqHS Under the theme “Hypertension control in Iraq, role of clinicians, communities and health policy”, the Iraqi Hypertension Society IqHS and with the collaboration...
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