Advances in Heart Failure Managements

IqHS Scientific Session..

Advances in Heart Failure Managements

 The IqHS had held a scientific evening at Babylon hotel on this Friday, 23 of December 2022, entitled ” Advances in Heart Failure Managements” presented by the distinguished speaker Prof. Hasan Farhan, President of Iraqi Board of Cardiology, and moderated by Prof. Ghazi F. Haji, the IqHS president, and was sponsored by Bayer Pharmaceutical Company. The meeting was interactive with the audience through discussions and formulated quizzes, the meeting tackled the new entity of ” Worsening Heart Failure” and discussed the updated management of such cases according to the evidence based approach. Prof Farhan added also his personal experience with those patients and he also informed the audienc about the interm status of Iraqi research in the field of heart failure.