
Medical Journal Update

The 7th IqHS Inernational Confence is just ended

Several days ago, the sessions of the Seventh International Scientific Conference of the Iraqi Hypertension Society ended successfully with wide participation by doctors from all over the Iraqand some Arabic countries during which various topics and updates related to hypertension were discussed, as well as some clinical cases related to the disease. The conference for this year was characterized by different topics, which included hypertension disease in children, women and the elderly, and a discussion of cases and complications that are associated with or caused by hypertension on all body systems. Continue reading

You can download the conference lectures from here.

Cardio-Renal Metabolic Forum

The Iraqi Hypertension Society with the collaboration of Boehringer Ingelheim pharmaceutical company held a scientific symposium at Oyoon Baghdad Restaurant on this Friday, 19 of July 2024 entitled ” Cardio-Renal Metabolic Forum” in which it discussed the spectrum of cardiorenal metabolic continuum in diabetes and the role of SGLT-2 Inhibitors in improving the outcome in such patients and their significant beneficial role in reducing the cardiovascular complications and in also reducing the progression of chronic renal disease. Continue Reading..

The Cardiac Triad: Understanding AF, Stroke and Heart Failure

Under the theme ” The Cardiac Triad: Understanding AF, Stroke and Heart Failure”, the Iraqi Hypertension Society held a joint Symposium on the fifth of July 2024 at Movenpic Hotel in Basrah governorate in the south of Iraq with the participation of a number of an eminent cardiologist from Baghdad and Basrah in addition to a neurologist  who  discussed a numerous lectures the relationships between AF and the risk of stroke and systemic embolization in different scenarios, Read more..

The IqHS conjoint symposium with the Iraqi League for Bone and Joint health, 27-28 June 2024

In line with the Iraqi Hypertension Society vision on the importance of CVD complications in multiple disease specialties and their belief that the patient must be the core of every medical interventions or multidisciplinary approaches beside the importance of the growing evidence of shared pathogenesis of a lot of CVD with other systemic diseases including many rheumatological ones, the IqHS held a conjoint symposium with the Iraqi League for Bone and Joint health, ILBJH at Ramada hotel, Erbil city, Kurdistan Iraq on 27-28 of June this year under the theme ” The Crossroad of Heart and Musculoskeletal Diseases”..

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The Iraqi Hypertension Society IqHS and RCP London Network in Iraq Conjoint Scientific Meeting

The Iraqi Hypertension Society IqHS and RCP London Network in Iraq in collaboration with Acino Pharmaceutical Company held a scientific meeting at Babylon Hotel on Friday -7 June in which the head of the RCP network in Iraq Prof. Hilal Alsaffar gave a short and yet detailed overview of hypertension control from diagnosis to management discussing the current different international guidelines in addition to focusing on the current position of beta blockers in its management. The session was interactive where he asked the audience many questions through an organized poll. It was a beneficial meeting as expressed by the attendees’ satisfaction. The session was moderated by the head of IqHS, prof Ghazi Haji.

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Hypertension in Childhood: Underappreciated Issue

Based on the vision of the Iraqi Hypertension Society of the necessity of cooperation and joint work with the rest of the scientific societies with which it shares, and among its goals is to control hypertension, the Society held a joint scientific symposium with the Iraqi Society of Pediatrics in Alhikma Hall at Oyoon Baghdad Restaurant on 10/5/2024, under the title “Hypertension in Childhood: Underappreciated Issue”
During which the speakers presented an overview of the problem of hypertension in Pediatric population, which has begun to increase recently and unfortunately. Read more..

IqHS symposium in Ashur University

In continuation with the approach of the Iraqi Hypertension Society in spreading health education among the Iraqi population, especially the youth group, the Society, in cooperation with Ashur University, held an interactive scientific symposium on hypertension and smoking on Tuesday 27/2/2024 in one of the lecture halls on the university campus in which Dr. Raghdaa Sadiq, a member of the Society, reviewed the most important main points about hypertension and ways to prevent it, Continue reading..

IqHS Activity in Al-Aamal University College

As part of the Iraqi Hypertension Society’s constant keenness to spread health awareness about hypertension and its related risk factors, the Society held a scientific symposium on last Tuesday, 13 February 2024, at Al-Aamal University College, in cooperation with the Deanship of the College, in which the lecturers gave, through three lectures. The first lecture was an introductory overview of hypertension and some of the challenges and misconceptions about the disease among the people which was delivered by Dr. Ghazi Al-Haji, President of the Society.. Read more..

Deep Sight on Gray Zone of Systemic Hypertension

The Iraqi Hypertension Society held last Friday 10 of February a scientific meeting in Al Karam Palace Restaurant Hall with the collaboration of Awamedica Pharmaceutical Company about Hypertension and sexual function and also about the prevalence of hypertension in Iraq in addition to discussion about the recent 2023 ESC guidelines about the stepwise drug therapy in hypertension and the beneficial effect of single Pill combination SPC in its management with special talk about the efficacy of Valsartan/ Amlodipine combination with or without Hydrochlorothiazide diuretic in a heterogenous hypertension population Read more..

Cardio-mental Health Improvement

In accordance with the Iraqi Hypertension Society IqHS new trends of involving other societies in its scientific programs and opening new horizons in cooperation with the rest of other specialities with common visions on the subject of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, the IqHS and in cooperation with the Iraqi Psychiatric Association (IPA), held a joint scientific symposium last Friday, January 12, this year on Qasr Al-Karam Res. Hall entitled ” Cardio-mental Health Improvement” which was sponsored by Kawkab Scientific Bureau and moderated by Prof. Ghazi Haji, the President of IqHS, and presented by two eminent speakers Dr. Nesif Al-Hemairy, a consultant psychiatrist, and Dr. Saeed Majeed, a consultant Interventional cardiologist. Continue Reading..

IqHS Non- Smoking Campaign in Madeenat Al-ilim College

As part of the Non-smoking campaign led by the Iraqi Hypertension Society IqHS, the Society, in cooperation with the Deanship of the University College of Madeenat Al-ilim, held a scientific symposium on the dangers of smoking and the ways to prevent it in one of the college halls on Monday, December 4, 2023. It was attended by a group of college students and professors, in addition to the college dean. Dr. Ghazi Al-Hajji, President of the IqHS, as well as Dr. Samir Majeed, a Board Member, gave two lectures in this field in which they reviewed the history of smoking, its harmful effects on health, means of controlling it, and the applicable laws issued by the Iraqi Ministry of Health.

Awareness Campaign to Combat High Blood Pressure

As part of the awareness campaigns carried out by the Iraqi Hypertension Society, the IqHS held on Friday, October 20, 2023, an awareness campaign on Culture and Arts Street, Al-Mutanabbi Street, in cooperation with the sixth stage students at the College of Medicine, Baghdad University, with the participation of the Dean of the College, Dr. Amin Al-Alwani, as well as the President of the Iraqi Society for Hypertension, Professor Ghazi Haji. Read more..

Makeen, Arab Anti-Smoking Award

On the occasion of the launch of the Anti-Smoking Award Makeen, which is presented by the Council of Arab Economic Unity (Training Center) as well as the Arab Union for Humanities and Development The Iraqi Hypertension Society IqHS, is pleased to announce the participation of its President Professor Ghazi Haji, as one of Arbitration committee Members in this competition and would like also to announce the participation of the Society in the efforts made to reduce smoking in Iraq in cooperation with the Supreme Committee for Combating Smoking of the Iraqi Ministry of Health in addition to other scientific societies and NGOs. For further reading click here..


Download Conference Agenda here

Guidelines in hypertension: in conversation with the ISH and ESH

ISH President Professor Bryan Williams and Chair of the ESH 2023 Guidelines Committee Professor Giuseppe Mancia discuss the role, development, and impact of guidelines in hypertension in this conversation from July 2023. They were interviewed by ISH Communications Committee Chair Dr Anastasia Mihailidou, and Communications Committee Member Dr Swapnil Hiremath, following the publication of the 2023 ESH guidelines. The Iraqi Hypertension Society is pleased to share this important interview with you.

IqHS Scientific Session in Popular Medical Clinics Headquarter, Baghdad